Yoga Teacher Training

Foundation courses and 300 & 500 hour yoga teacher training courses

If you are interested in teacher training please do contact me for more information. The next courses will start in 2023.

Tutor: Tara Fraser

BWY DIP, BWY DCT, Certified Rolfer®

I have been teaching yoga for over 28 years and training teachers for over 18years. My interest is in nurturing the individual skills and talents of the student teacher to develop their own distinctive style and quality in teaching, while honoring and knowing the roots of the practice, thus keeping yoga a living tradition. Although all my previous teacher training courses were run through the British Wheel of Yoga I am now offering this course independently as I wish to emphasise the practical and experiential nature of the yoga transmission over the paper-based planning style favoured by BWY.

My own yoga journey has included a broad range of experiences but has been heavily influenced by teachers in the tradition of TKV Desikachar including Sylviane Gianina, David Charlton and Ranju Roy and more recently by my work as a Rolfer and the teaching of Giovanni Felicioni and other teachers in the Scaravelli tradition. But on the way I have learned an appreciation of the potential of the Astanga Vinyasa system and the Iyengar Yoga school from whose teachers I have always gained insight and inspiration.

My work in Rolfing® (a type of soft tissue manipulation primarily concerned with fascia) has increased my ability to read and understand the way bodies move and this work feeds directly into my yoga teaching too.

I opened one of London’s first independent yoga studios, Yoga Junction, in 1999 and it is still running 23 years later with an amazing staff of around 16 wonderful yoga teachers, some of whom we trained. I am the author of several books on yoga, and mum to 4 children.