
Online Classes

Astanga yoga Online NIGEL

 A class for people familiar with astanga yoga.  You will be instructed through the sun-salutations, standing postures, and a range of sitting postures of the astanga sequence.  Detailed verbal instruction throughout.

Hatha Yoga online TARA

 A mixture of all elements of yoga from 25 years of experience from one of the UK’s most admired and respected teachers. This online class gives you the unique opportunity to experience her teaching.  For all levels and abilities.

In Studio Classes


This class is mixed ability for everybody and every body. Whether you have a regular practice or have never stepped on a mat before. Each class is varied, with simple effective techniques, allowing you to take your yoga practice from the studio into your everyday life. Breathing techniques, postures and flowing movements as well as meditation and relaxation.

Gentle / Chair Yoga KAREN

 Gentle yoga: a calm class for all ages & abilities including those new to yoga. It will include movement, breath work and meditation, and can either be done sitting on a chair or using a yoga mat. Some standing poses are included, with options for those who choose to remain seated. The class aims to strengthen and refresh us while improving our balance and our breathing.

Hatha Flow/ Vinyasa Yoga ANNA – FRIDAYS 6:15
(75 MINS STARTING September 23RD)

Hatha flow yoga: a flowing class taught at a steady pace, suitable for any level of experience, but more suited to those without physical injuries or limitations. Options are given for those who wish to dial up or down the level of intensity but the main focus is slow ‘functional’ movement and on finding ways to counteract the stresses of modern living through fully inhabiting the body.

Strong Slow Flow Yoga FREDDIE

A physically quite challenging class, designed with a focus on mobility to naturally develop strength and flexibility in the body. For busy people who live in their head who want to get into their body, strengthen it mindfully and gain insight through playful exploration.

Slow Flow is a creative style of modern yoga, blending elements of Vinyasa Flow and Hatha. Unrushed sequences emphasizing the connection between movement and breath, fewer poses than Vinyasa Flow and more movement than Hatha.

Slow Flow Yoga FREDDIE

An enjoyable class on the mellow side of physical intensity, combining mindful movement with a focus on mobility to naturally develop stability and agility in the body. For people open to exploration and fun discoveries, who want to feel balanced, calm and at ease.

Slow Flow is a creative style of modern yoga, blending elements of Vinyasa Flow and Hatha. Unrushed sequences emphasizing the connection between movement and breath, fewer poses than Vinyasa Flow and more movement than Hatha.

Iyengar yoga – General JULIE , OLIVIA

General level Iyengar class suitable for all. Precision and individual attention in a small, personalised class.

Astanga Yoga MEG
(Not on the timetable at the moment)

A guided class based on the primary series from the Astanga yoga system. Sun salutations followed by some standing and seated poses, then slowing down for relaxation at the end. The poses flow into one another and breathing is regulated.      

Pre-natal yoga ALISA

Pregnancy classes combine a deep and flowing yoga practice, interspersed with mobility and strengthening exercises, as well as breath work.

These classes will help you work through any areas of tightness or pain, whilst giving you the opportunity to connect with your baby and feel part of a community of pregnant women.

Post-natal yoga ALISA

Suitable from about 6 weeks after birth, Postnatal Yoga classes are designed to be the first exercise you do as a new mother. If you are feeling ready and would like to explore the option of attending before your 6 week check, please get in touch with Alisa so she can guide you.
Alisa’s classes include breath awareness, specialised yoga practice, mobility and strengthening exercises. You’ll learn how to release the tension that comes with feeding, carrying and comforting your baby.
She is passionate about honouring the fourth trimester and ensuring that despite the deluge of information, women find their own space to work out what is right for them and their developing babies. 

These weekly classes also provide an ideal opportunity to exchange ideas, with other mums and Alisa who is an experienced teacher and mum of three.